Monday, November 30, 2009

The Bucket

We should all be here. The Saint Barths Bucket Regatta is held every year in March. Blue water, good breeze... what else could you ask for? Shouldn't be too hard to get a ride on one of these puppies.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vintage Bonefish

A great look into bonefishing in the glory days with the legendary Captain Jimmie Albright. You've gotta love stuff like this.

Iowa Trout

Who knew there were big browns in Iowa? Makes me reconsider my whole theory that the midwest sucks. Check out this slideshow at the New York times webpage.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grizzly Man

When Werner Herzog's "Grizzly Man" was released, it fascinated me. A couple buddies and I saw it in the theater, then we later rented it to show some friends. It's an amazing film. The thing that captured me wasn't so much the story of Treadwell's own personal battles, but the footage he collected over his time in Alaska. Some of the scenes he captured are simply amazing - bears, fox, and the Alaskan wilderness. While he was truly "out there", he left an amazing legacy. But even with it's moments of beauty, the film has a dark undertone. In the final moments of the film, Herzog states; "I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder." I don't know if I agree with Herzog, but the film's conclusion certainly makes you ponder his statement.

On a lighter not, here is a film of some possibly equally crazy Canadians that inspired this post: